Maître de Conférences - HDR
Responsable de l'OR

USPN, UFR SMBH, Bureau 347
1 rue Chablis 93000 Bobigny (France)

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Milena Salerno has obtained a PhD in chemistry-spectroscopy in 2001 from the Université Paris 13. After a post-doctoral at CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives), and a temporary assistant of teaching and research possition, she got a position of associate professor at the Université Paris 13 in 2004. She obtained the habilitation to direct research in 2007.

She works on the study of the mechanisms of transport of molecules, through cellular membranes and their fate inside the cells using spectrocopics tehcniques. This type of studies, allow her to participate in the rational development of metallic complexes for Alzheimer disease diagnosis or treatment. For this, she is interested in the cellular transport through Blood Brain Barrier in order to correlate the physicochemical characteristics of the transport through this barrier and the molecular characteristics that futures developed molecules should have.



Membrane and cellular transport, spectroscopy, Alzheimer disease, Blood Brain Barrier, ABC transporters, metal complexes, medical imaging, diagnosis, treatment.


Academic responsabilities

Responsable du Master Maintenance Qualité Sécurté Environement

Site internet du Master :

Teaching USPN, UFR SMBH, Bobigny

Licence Science de la Vie:

  • Liaisons chimiques (L1)
  • Chimie minérale (L2)
  • Methodes analytiques (L3)
  • Chimie des complexes des metaux de transition (L3)
  • Physico chimie des systèmes membranaires (L3)

Master MQSE:

  • Culture QSE (M1)
  • Projet de classe (M2)